Mitsubishi Invests 450 Billion Dollars On Solar Energy

27 August, 2008
Posted by Mike

Mitsubishi Electric Corp. wants to invest billions of dollars in production of photovoltaic cells to profit by the huge demands for solar energy, caused by higher fuel prices.

The company announced that it will invest 458 billion dollars in solar energy, intended to raise the production capacity to 600 megawatts until 2012. At present, Mitsubishi has a total capacity of energy generating of 150 megawatts. In March, the company announced that it wants to increase this capacity to 500 megawatts until 2013.

Mitsubishi plans to build a new factory in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, which will be provided with solar installation on roof.

Company officials say that by combining the silicon crystal technology with the solar one, will reach an energy efficiency rate of 97.5%. Mitsubishi will sell solar systems throughout the world.

Last year in October, Mitsubishi announced a plan to reduce one-third of the emissions associated with the use of its products. This plan includes the use of a production equipment more efficiently in factories and reducing the quantity of materials used in its operations by 30%.