Hybrid Trucks For Waste Collection
08 September, 2008
The first truck for the household waste collection, equipped with hybrid engines, will be put into operation in Lyon, France, from the month of October this year.
The experiment was made by a partnership between Renault Trucks, SITA (Suez Environnement) and Grand Lyon. The waste collection from Lyon using a truck with hybrid engines aims at reducing CO2 emissions by 30 percent.
The vehicle is equipped with a hybrid engine that allows a reduction of 20 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. The truck has a additional battery for the electric power supply. This battery is loaded in the vehicle braking phases.
The hybrid technology principle developed by Renault Trucks is simple: the vehicle's kinetic energy is recovered during the braking then to be transformed into electricity. Reserved in a battery, the electricity supply the electric engine of MDS type (Motor Drive System) which provides the car's inrush, feeding their electric functions and the propulsion up to 20 kilometers per hour.
Diesel engine is used then when it consumes least, namely in circulation. Hybrid technology allows, in addition to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, and limiting phonic pollution due to electric motor functioning.